13 05 2012

From the author of “The Starseed Transmissions”, we bring you his latest article with first publication on this website.

by Ken Carey
May 12, 2012

Those who have given the current planetary upheaval more than just casual thought may be interested in what has been “drifting through my open views” lately. For as long as three decades after writing The Starseed Transmissions, I continued to think of it, and all the phenomena it describes as a process lasting a few years—Native Americans say seven years—with an extraordinary event at its center. This central event The Starseed Transmissions refers to as “a nanosecond of non-time.”

While this defining instant has not yet occurred, it is clear to many of us that the process surrounding it began in December of 2008 when half the world’s money supply disappeared into the hands of the controlling few. These few are so powerful, no government has yet had the courage to find (or maybe I should say “to identify”) them. Among other things, the economic upheaval caused by this theft has resulted in rising turbulence in the humanly generated thought and emotional fields surrounding the earth.

In the late 1940s, Teilhard de Chardin was the first to study this planetary thought field, which he called the “Noosphere,” a name as good as any, I suppose, but a name, nonetheless, that coveys little of the sphere’s true nature. I like to think of it as that ever-growing portion of the earth’s aura that is the awakening and the awakened collectivity of human consciousness. We are well aware of our collective subconscious, but we have a still-dormant collective conscious as well. Already awakening, this field of collective human consciousness will soon know itself for what it is, even as we realize that each of us is like an individual leaf on a tree, or an individual cell in a body. Even after this happens I expect that in order to minimize any disorientation this event will bring, the Star Maker will only gradually reveal its conscious Presence within us, slowly allowing humankind to awaken to the realization that people are not only One, but that we have a role as the Star Maker’s physical organ of consciousness, an organ similar to a brain, but more clearly understood in our new capacity as the guidance system for this particular planetary garden.

So as we awaken to know ourselves as One, the consciousness of the Star Maker awakens within us, whether we recognize it immediately or after a period of adjustment. In some geographical regions awareness of this atmosphere of thought and emotion is already fairly well established. In others it is being actively resisted. Those who actively resist are the same robber barons of old, still served by armies, admirers, and those who look to their particular brand of fear for guidance and leadership. It is only these who may experience any real tribulation, and then only if they fail to notice how people are changing all around them.

Except for a few who have chosen to design their incarnate human circuitry specifically to identify, educate, contain, and ultimately neutralize the robber barons and their followers—they are of no concern to the majority of us, who just want to open our  hearts in the purest form of love and welcome the higher thought and emotional frequencies of Our Awakening Creator.

For we are literally becoming awakened cells in the physical body of God, here to share in an era of New Creation that is far beyond any we have previously known. Before this dawning one-thousand-year era spirals upward into the next level of your increasingly extraterrestrial creations, you and You—or I and I as the Rastafarians say—will have completed the healing, transformation and unparalleled beautification of the earth, and be ready to launch the first of the biological starships that will go forth from this world to enjoy the beauties of this solar system and the billions of worlds beyond. Our nourishment then—and the source of all our Energy—will come to us in and as the Love that burns in the hearts of stars and comes to us now in the Light of our Sun. (Still, I’m going to use whatever clout I may have to insist our starships be equipped with ethnic restaurants of every sort and variety. While it is true that the vegetable realms hardly seem bored, a diet of nothing but photons strikes me as a little monotonous.)

Those who think that living with awareness of the sacredness inherent in all life implies a somber quietude coupled with eternal reverence may see my above “aside comment” as out of place. If there are any such among the readers of this article, I feel that a timely reminder might be in order: The purpose of Creation is the enjoyment, exploration, and artistic development of space. But I shall not preach.

The times in which we now live are characterized by:

—The Growth of Love and

—The Diminishment of Fear IN HUMAN DECISION-MAKING.

This separation process in human motivation has been exponentially accelerating for hundreds of years. This means it has not been gaining momentum at an arithmetical rate: 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., but at an exponential rate instead: 1, 2, 4, 8,16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc. I’m sure you remember the analogy of the Chinese king who had promised a wise man anything up to half of his kingdom, and the man pointed to a chessboard and said he wanted a quantity of rice equal to one grain on the first of the sixty-four squares, two on the second, four on the third, eight on the fourth, etc., until the board was filled? If you’re familiar with the story, you know that long before the board was much more than half filled, the king’s advisors had calculated that fulfilling the man’s request would require a quantity of rice knee-deep across the whole of China.

That’s how fast our collective awakening is approaching! And why, because of this, so many people are feeling an increasing pressure for fundamental change, first in themselves, then in those few who control them through ownership of almost all of the world’s resources and control of global economic structures. This extends far beyond America, and the specific statistics vary from nation to nation. I don’t know if this pattern will hold, but it seems curious that those nations with the longest traditions of Monarchical control are now feeling the worst of it.

Why do religious prophecies play so large a role in this transition? Because religions are the only belief systems that consider, study, and think in sufficiently LONG PERIODS OF TIME. Political and secular organizations have never thought in terms longer than centuries. Their records of past events and predictions of future ones do not cover periods of time anywhere near as long as the 26,000 year cycles of the Mayans, who I consider the Timekeepers of the Human Experiment. Thankfully, we also have many of our scientific disciplines—anthropology, geology, biology, physics and others—verifying more and more of what has previously been found only in the province of religion.

But the observer affects the observed. We must never forget that. Sub-atomic scientists and zoologists probably understand this more than most. After our consideration of all that big-picture stuff, it seems ironic to now turn to ourselves, and realize that the only way we can participate in the Global Spiritual Awakening is to pay close attention to the little day-to-day details of our own lives. For the extent of our ability to bring love to the whole is in direct proportion to how much we are currently motivated by and expressing Love in our own lives. The greater we love, the greater our power to change the world. Except on the rarest of occasions, fear was never intended to influence human thinking.

The paramount and most important changes therefore lie in our “motivational predispositions,” our tendencies to either create or destroy. At first, the changes brought by the deliberate expansion of our love are subtle, so much so we may fail to notice them at first. Still, for no apparent reason, we do feel times of unexpected happiness and joy; for in our subconscious minds we all have a sense of something coming, something on the way. Those who experience this with full consciousness on a daily basis, not only feel Love’s tangible approach, but the growing essence of it’s Qualities.

Those who use Love to fuel their lives become more loving. Those who use Fear to manage their lives become more afraid.

It’s that simple.

Soon, if not already, our bodies will change. Long-dormant abilities will unfurl. Our nutritional needs will be blessed. Love. Love. Love all that you are, all that you perceive. Love others. Love every sensation your senses bring.

For more on Ken Carey (and to contact him directly), kindly visit his site at the URL below:



We are truly grateful to Ken Carey for choosing COTC:TOL to be the first to release this article on the web.  His words are an expression of beauty and brilliance that touch and awaken the hearts and minds of men at this very special time in human history.

Light & Light. Adonai.



16 responses

13 05 2012

Hi Ken as usual not a word missing or one too much. Also feel something huge coming; is it really that close? Was expecting the ‘change ‘ end of last year and as a lesson stopped waiting for it and as you suggest paid more attention to the present by bringing more love in life. Love you my dear friend. Maurice

25 07 2012
Novices in the Noosphere find Answers in the Corn « Siderealview's Blog

[…] Love in our own lives. The greater we love, the greater our power to change the world. Ken Carey, Timekeepers of the Human Experiment, […]

22 11 2012

Excellent rendition of the times from your unique and important perspective. Thanks for sharing!

24 11 2012
Christine Abercrombie

A friend is moving and gave me some books, one of them was the Starseed Transmissions, what a brilliant book, only half way through it and it has helped me to reconcile the truth to myself that I already had a knowing of. Thanks for your work on these subjects! Love and Light!

24 11 2012
Elliott Brown

Trying to contact Ken Carey. Link above doesn’t work without a uswername and password. Help!

4 12 2012
starry light

again ken carey has very eloquently and beautifully reminded us of the love that encompasses each individual and the universes….and how close we are to the blink of an eye…
blessings to you…and much love

8 01 2013
robin raddatz

i am called robin

i love your return of the bird tribes esp. buffalo calf woman also all the other books right now flat rock journal and again the story of the raven at findhorn and how you spoke injapanese after the sweat lodge experience. crows by the way are the geniuses of north american anmal: our only known tool makers:
you are right about the people who stole all the money and they are the monarchies (bankers) and their representatives in the us which was designed by alexander hamilton to be opposite to the monarchy we came from. the founding fathers and mothers were divinely inspired if you will. and these people want all the money out there:the pensions, ssa. medicare, medicaid, fs. i think you are right that the way to deefeat them is through conscoiusness.

23 01 2013

I wish the link (to contact Ken) was working….

10 02 2013

Reblogged this on dreamweaver333.

24 10 2013
Cath McDonald

Enjoyed the article immensely, I would so love to read more. The link doesn’t link to KC! Any other ways to find Ken Carey online?

5 03 2016
Gerald Lock

Thanks for re-blogging this from the original site. It’s inspiring reading for sure.

To those who might be seeking contact with Ken Carey, be mindful of your human tendency to ‘seek a messiah/guru/etc..’. Look to what Ken’s writing pointed to, not to the writer himself.
You know in your wisest self that he is just a messenger, another cell in the evolving body of our mother, with a role that is as important but a transitory as any other nerve cell in a body.
Once the message has been received & transmitted to the cells of a body, it’s important that we make best possible use of the information in the message, rather than looking around for who passed it on.
We are all part of the informational network of the body of earth. More messages will come – we just need to be calm, clear, attentive, and willing to not only pass on the information but to ACT upon it, in unison with our brothers & sisters.

5 03 2016

We did not re-blog this article. Ken Carey approached us and asked to launch this article from our site. Also, he nor the article has any intention of portraying him, the messenger, as a messiah. It is clear they are transmissions. Hence, the ideas come from sources in the higher realms of light.

1 12 2018
D. Gansmamn

Goodbye Ken Carey

Ken Carey passed away.

29 03 2019

Thank you for this link on Ken Carey.

21 03 2019

Ken passed away peacefully early 2017

29 03 2019

Yes, he did. May he be resting in Paradise.

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